CMA/PC/Vista problem

I can not open the program. I downloaded it today. It did not work. I went back, double checked I had the needed software mentioned on the HE sight. I also turned off active networks as discussed in this forum. I uninstalled, then re-installed after all the changes. Still no luck. What am I missing?
Problem is not just me or my computer. My fellow designer that is working on the same project tried for the first time today to open the CMA on his PC laptop, and had the same problem. At the time I did not ask what his O/S was.
Help will be greatly appricated
  • The most common issue is not waiting for your computer to auto-assign an IP address....this can take up to 10 minutes on some machines. So you must wait a while after you connect to the network before launching CMA.

    If you do not want to wait you can assign your computer a static IP in the proper range (such as with a subnet of

    Other things to look at:

    - Make sure that your OS is completely up to date (via Microsoft Updates).....really what you want to make sure of is that you are running the proper version of the .Net framework.

    - What version of Vista are you running?

    - Are you an a real PC or a Mac?....if Mac make sure you are running "native" (like Bootcamp and not Parallels, etc)

    Hope this helps. :)
  • The most common issue is not waiting for your computer to auto-assign an IP address....this can take up to 10 minutes on some machines. So you must wait a while after you connect to the network before launching CMA.

    If you do not want to wait you can assign your computer a static IP in the proper range (such as with a subnet of

    Other things to look at:

    - Make sure that your OS is completely up to date (via Microsoft Updates).....really what you want to make sure of is that you are running the proper version of the .Net framework.

    - What version of Vista are you running?

    - Are you an a real PC or a Mac?....if Mac make sure you are running "native" (like Bootcamp and not Parallels, etc)

    Hope this helps. :)
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