CMA/PC/Vista problem

I can not open the program. I downloaded it today. It did not work. I went back, double checked I had the needed software mentioned on the HE sight. I also turned off active networks as discussed in this forum. I uninstalled, then re-installed after all the changes. Still no luck. What am I missing?
Problem is not just me or my computer. My fellow designer that is working on the same project tried for the first time today to open the CMA on his PC laptop, and had the same problem. At the time I did not ask what his O/S was.
Help will be greatly appricated
  • Hi,
    The CMA application has to have a network connection to a fixture be it DL2/DL3/Axon before you can upload content.You cannot upload content via the CMA without the CMA being connected to a fixture via the network whatever way that is setup.
    Please make sure you have the mains plugged in for the laptop and it has power,some PC network cards switch off or go into standby quickly if they are running on battery which makes it very hard for the PC to find a valid IP address.
    Was the new laptop you tried also running vista software or other software?
    How are you connecting the CMA laptop to the fixtures? What is your setup?

    Best C
  • Hi,
    The CMA application has to have a network connection to a fixture be it DL2/DL3/Axon before you can upload content.You cannot upload content via the CMA without the CMA being connected to a fixture via the network whatever way that is setup.
    Please make sure you have the mains plugged in for the laptop and it has power,some PC network cards switch off or go into standby quickly if they are running on battery which makes it very hard for the PC to find a valid IP address.
    Was the new laptop you tried also running vista software or other software?
    How are you connecting the CMA laptop to the fixtures? What is your setup?

    Best C
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