Cannot switch out from RGBHV DL.2

Suddenly one of my Dl.2's will not switch out of RGBHV mode. I have tried all the usual steps (Dim to 0, wait, switch, restore), but not working. Of course this is the one that is the hardest to access. Need to try to get this working by tomorrow for an event. All other DL.2's are responding. Any tips or alternatives to make the switch. CMA can't from what I can tell.

If it is a hardware issue, what do I check? Would a software reimage help?
  • Hi Peter,

    Sometimes the software side of things and the hardware side of things can get out sync, and that sounds like what might be happening here.

    Something to try:

    1) Open the iris
    2) Select "RGBHV" for the input
    3) Close the iris, wait ~5-10 seconds
    4) Open the iris
    5) Select "Graphics Engine" for the input
    6) Close the iris, wait ~5-10 seconds

    See if this helps. It might be that the computer side of things (which tells the hardware what to do) thinks the unit is inputting the graphics engine even thought it isn't. The above steps should get things back into sync between the two systems.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hi Peter,

    Sometimes the software side of things and the hardware side of things can get out sync, and that sounds like what might be happening here.

    Something to try:

    1) Open the iris
    2) Select "RGBHV" for the input
    3) Close the iris, wait ~5-10 seconds
    4) Open the iris
    5) Select "Graphics Engine" for the input
    6) Close the iris, wait ~5-10 seconds

    See if this helps. It might be that the computer side of things (which tells the hardware what to do) thinks the unit is inputting the graphics engine even thought it isn't. The above steps should get things back into sync between the two systems.

    Hope this helps.
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