What type of unit do you have? DL3 What software? 2.0.3 What console? road hog full boar What are you using for CMA?High end CMA for mac 1.4.0 How is your system set up? I have 8 that are networked together. if that helps DMX or ArtNet? dmx
Sorry so vague. Sent during a show. I have two doing the same thing. one of them just was serviced, cleaned, new filters. havent had a problem in over a year.
If you have no Blue LED, that means the server is not on. First things to check are that the power switch on the computer box inside the DL is on, and that the IEC power cable is connected to the computer (both of these will require opening up the unit, and taking the computer unit at least partially out). My guess is one or the other got overlooked when the unit was serviced.
Other things to look at are: - Can you acess the units' menu directly? - If you disconnect power and then re-apply does the issue persist?
It worked fine after service for a week then went down. i will be bringing them down in the next week. I will still check the connections. I will be able to access the menu then.
Hmmm....odd. Could be a Top-Box Card failure as well. Have you had any issues related to power recently? I've seen these cards fail in certain extreme power situations. (partial citywide brownout/blackout took one out on me on tour once for example....along with a bunch of other gear as well.)
As Marty stated, if the blue LED is not on, the computer is not powering up. This LED is driven directly off the motherboard of the computer, and since you have the green LED on (which is the status LED for the motion system), you shouldn't have a head/box card failure.
One thing you can try real quick without having to tear the units apart is forcing the computer to turn on. Hold down the outer two menu buttons for two seconds. This will attempt a soft-power-on of the computer server. You should hear a relay inside the top box click if you've held down the correct buttons long enough.
If the server still doesn't turn on after you have done that, then as Marty stated you could have a connection/cabling problem, or possibly a bad computer power supply.
I believe we spoke over the phone. My recommendation would be to access the fixtures and do a little more investigating as the other posts have suggested.
If you would like to order various spare parts you can find a link to the parts list at the link below. Just look under the DL.3 Section.
Fixed it. Had the same problem on two of them. It was the bios battery. Three out of eight have that battery in them. Curious why some have it and some dont?