URGENT!!! need help before my last show tomorrow - pleeeeaaaasee :-)

Hi all

I have one more christmas show to do and have just lost one of my etc revolution rwm/sm original. Even if no one can help me before tomorrow, I would love to know your thoughts and would love some advice as the following has happend twice now.

I have two revs, both powered by the same 32amp independant and dmx together - going through the one with no intensity first then to the one that is working fine.

i finished a matinee and was going to check my scrolls to see if they needed calibrating when i noticed i had lost a lamp.

I changed the lamp, but didnt get anything through, i changed to another new one and still nothing.

 I reset the independants - as sometimes this works - several times but still no intensity.

I still have control over everything else pan tilt scroller etc, just no intensity so the dmx is fine.

The LEDs are showing the lantern is ok as they are, full and static green,amber and red.

I took off the shutter,gobo and scroller modules and everything appeared to be fine on them and inside the lantern, from what I could see.

Someone mentioned changing the two fuses that are in the base of the lantern i.e where the power and dmx are, but i can not find an obvious access for them.

This has happened to a different rev a year and a half ago, so either its a fault in lantern again and its just coincedence or i am being totally silly and have missed something obvious and possibly doing something wrong for it to happen again.

It is rigged 8m up and i am currently working on it off of a ladder, if needs be it will have to come down tomorrow before the show for me to investigate depending on what advice i get as it is timeconsuming getting it down etc.

When we got a replacement for the last time it happened, the person who delt with it has no record of what the problem was.

Can anyone help me or give me any advice at all?

Many thanks folks,

Have a good christmas :-)

