S4R - Wybron Version

Does anyone have any comments about the new Wybron Scroller? Experience - good points, critique?
  • I have some issues with they Wybron Scroller to discuss.  I have 6 Revolutions with the Wybron Scrollers running on an Ion desk.


    #1 it would be great if there was a function where the fan turned on automatically when the intensity on the fixture was engaged.  I went into my console and set up that the scroller fan always runs.  Prior to doing this I cooked a set of gel scrolls fairly quickly with tech's and show LD's programming and not turning the fan attribute on with the fixture.  Perhaps I'm missing a basic strategy here.  By engaging the lamps and parking them on I have solved the issue but perhaps there is a better way to approach this.

    #2-  When I had the stock 12 color scroll I had no issues.  When I went up to a 24 color scroll I began having registration problems due to Velcro "slippage".  I have been in touch with several people including my dealer and one of my ETC contacts about the problem (We also beta tested the new software for the Revolutions..which worked great!).  I went ahead and ordered the little velcro disks and changed both sides in case my velcro had become aged and weak ???.  I still have the same problem. and I hear the velcro loosing traction when it moves quickly.  I'm looking for a way to dial down the speed of the gel scroll on my ION but when I use a color palette or use a the color picker to grab my color it moves at full speed and I end up slipping again and ending up in another color.  It seems that velcro is not a positive enough attachment for the drive mechanism.   If I  move through the colors slowly I have no problems it's only when quickly scrolling.  Any ideas on what to try next?


    tomorrow I get to troubleshoot a fixture that had a burn out and now won't light up with a brand new lamp (continuity checked).   Perhaps a base issue?  


    any assistance is welcomed.

    Mark Hanneman

    F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre


  • These are better questions for the Eos forum, and reposting there lots of people will love to help you.  But here is some quick answers. 


    #1 Setting a fan profile for the revolution so that the fan turns on when intensity comes up is an easy thing to do.  Look it up in manual or post on other forum, someone will remember how to do it better than I.


    #2 To slow down speed of the color attribute can be done in the setup menu of the ion. Under desk settings/manual control there is a manual time.  Set that number to a more appropriate number and it will always move the color in that time.


    Best of luck.



  • These are better questions for the Eos forum, and reposting there lots of people will love to help you.  But here is some quick answers. 


    #1 Setting a fan profile for the revolution so that the fan turns on when intensity comes up is an easy thing to do.  Look it up in manual or post on other forum, someone will remember how to do it better than I.


    #2 To slow down speed of the color attribute can be done in the setup menu of the ion. Under desk settings/manual control there is a manual time.  Set that number to a more appropriate number and it will always move the color in that time.


    Best of luck.



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