Revolution lamp contacts


 We've had some problems with the lamp contacts on our revolutions arcing.  We have 4 revolutions and in the past couple of years I've had to replace the lamp contacts 3 times.  I can't tell for sure whether the problem is in the contacts or the lamp itself.  It seems that arcing is occurring and heating the contact on the lamp side enough that the metal from the lamp fuses with the contact and eventually develops a gap where the metal on the lamp contact bends and goes into the porcelain.  We always make sure the lamp is seated fully and check that the springs are still applying pressure to the connections.

 Is anyone else having this problem?  Does it seem likely that we got a bad batch of lamps or is it more of a design problem?


  • Hi Matt,

    we did have one rare occasion of a few bad lamps on the other side of the world from you, but never

    really heard of any bad series of lamps in the US. Do you still have the old lamps that were causing the

    arching? If so, it would be good to see those lamps to ETC Tech Services - Middleton for examination. Any


    The design of the lamp and socket has worked perfect for years now around the world, so I doubt anything

    is wrong with the design. And as long as you are seating the lamp correctly and completely into the socket,

    arching shouldn't be occuring.

    If you send me your email via the message function on here, I can get you in contact with Tech Services in the US.

    They will be able to assist you further.


    Thanks for contacting us about your concerns, and we will be glad to work with you to get things running more

    smoothly on your end.


    Til then, have a Happy Easter!

  • Hi Matt,

    we did have one rare occasion of a few bad lamps on the other side of the world from you, but never

    really heard of any bad series of lamps in the US. Do you still have the old lamps that were causing the

    arching? If so, it would be good to see those lamps to ETC Tech Services - Middleton for examination. Any


    The design of the lamp and socket has worked perfect for years now around the world, so I doubt anything

    is wrong with the design. And as long as you are seating the lamp correctly and completely into the socket,

    arching shouldn't be occuring.

    If you send me your email via the message function on here, I can get you in contact with Tech Services in the US.

    They will be able to assist you further.


    Thanks for contacting us about your concerns, and we will be glad to work with you to get things running more

    smoothly on your end.


    Til then, have a Happy Easter!
