Looking for ETC AutoCAD symbols/blocks?

First time here and not sure where to post a general question.  I'm starting to use AutoCAD again and I'm not having much luck locating downloadable CAD symbols or blocks for the light plot.  I thought I'd try this resource. At least for locating symbols for ETC stage lighting instruments.   Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.  

  • probably the "Source Four and Revolution" forum would have been best, since it's all about symbols of instruments... a google searched found these: http://www.modelboxplans.com/userimages/Etc.zip , there's more stuff here: http://www.onstagelighting.co.uk/lighting-design/stage-lighting-cad-theatre-lighting-symbols-dwg/ maybe this helps as a starting point?
  • probably the "Source Four and Revolution" forum would have been best, since it's all about symbols of instruments... a google searched found these: http://www.modelboxplans.com/userimages/Etc.zip , there's more stuff here: http://www.onstagelighting.co.uk/lighting-design/stage-lighting-cad-theatre-lighting-symbols-dwg/ maybe this helps as a starting point?