Plastic gobos?

Years ago there was a product with which you could make your own gobo on an ink jet printer and drop them into a sp holder for the incandescent S4. I believe that there was a fan to keep the gobos from turning into gooey slag in the bottom of the fixture. 

My question is this: can we print out own gobos for the S4 LED V2 ? It's got a pretty low operating temperature. That plastic film thing that they ship with the fixtures doesn't melt. 

  • I've used transparency film with S4 LEDs of both vintages and they'll work for quite a while, especially with the source in a color other than white, and especially at intensities below full.  After a long time at full, the transparency film will start to warp and droop.  This isn't usually a problem, since you can just print a new one.

    I imagine the gate temperature when using the 4ward LED retrofit cap is roughly in the same ballpark as a S4 LED.

    Rosco still makes the iPro unit that the OP mentioned.  I've never had any trouble with an iPro for long periods of time.  You can buy their special high-res transparency film too.  That stuff is great.


  • I've used transparency film with S4 LEDs of both vintages and they'll work for quite a while, especially with the source in a color other than white, and especially at intensities below full.  After a long time at full, the transparency film will start to warp and droop.  This isn't usually a problem, since you can just print a new one.

    I imagine the gate temperature when using the 4ward LED retrofit cap is roughly in the same ballpark as a S4 LED.

    Rosco still makes the iPro unit that the OP mentioned.  I've never had any trouble with an iPro for long periods of time.  You can buy their special high-res transparency film too.  That stuff is great.


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