Lustr 2 vs Colorsource Spot questions round 2

Hi again.

More time to type today.


So between the Colorsource and the Lustr series 2, which I had in my venue for a couple of hours, I've got some remaining questions that the sales tech couldn't answer.

**Both units have a great hard edge. sometimes softening the focus is a little hit or miss as compared to an incandescent, but some R132 should help that.  we were shooting with a 19deg barrel.

**The low end dimming is great, and the units don't WINK out.  Good job ETC

**The Coloursource has a much cooler white light when at full, (but the Lustr2 was only in 1 profile, adn I didn't get a chance to play with the other settings). 

1) he didn't have the Soft Focus Diffuser.  While that works with gobos (I'm told), will it remove the colour shadows you get (where you can see a green shadow edge, and a blue shadow edge, and a red shadow edge, all from the same person and lamp?

2) It was a demo console being used, so I didn't get too deep into it to make set-up changes.  Do the Lustr 2 and/or the Colorsource cut to different colours in Time 0?  or do they always fade?

3) teh Colorsource doesn't terminate the DMX run, and so it needs terminators.  Is the Lustr Self Terminating?

4) There are different profiles/personalities for the Lustr 2.  Are there different profiles for the Colorsource?

5) I can set it up so I can control the fan on the Luster (Y/N)?

(I've patched a dummy Lustr on the console, in a random profile (RGBStr Fan +7), and can see a fan control, but without testing each profile (and SOOO many profiles), I'm not clear on what is capable with each profile.

5.1) Can I set up teh Colorsource the same, so I have control of the fan, or is the fan ALWAYS controlled by the lamp itself, and will run up or down as required?

6) the CRI for the Lustr 2 is either 86/90 (depending on what you set it at).  what's the CRI for the Coloursource?

7) are the units "flicker-free" for filming?

8) max lumin output for the lustr is 5800.  what is it for the Coloursource?

9) I can't find the User Manual for the Coloursource on the ETC website.  Just teh quick guide and installation guide.

10) Does a regular barn door fit on a colour source par?

11) does a regular barn door fit on a fresnel adaptor for the Lustr or Coloursource?

11.5)  what is the frame size for the fresnel adaptors?

12) (Running Ion 2.3.1) how can I determine which colours are not possible by using the software?  I can see the IEC triangle, and the Visible spectrum cone.

13) I won't be buying the EDLT lenses, but using the regular lenses.  However, how bad are the regular 50deg lenses compared to the LED 50deg lenses?  (or, do I REALLY need to purchase some specific 50deg lenses for the LED units?)


Thanks to those who take the time to answer.  I've read a bunch of the documents on line, but I haven't found all the answers yet.


  • Hi Andrew,

    We have 50 S4 series 2 Lustrs, mixed 15/30 zoom, 25/50 zoom & fixed 50 degrees. All are standard lenses not EDLTs.

    I have them set in 2 different modes depending on their use. RGB for rock & roll type work, and HSIC with redshift for theatrical use.
    See some answers below.

    **The Coloursource has a much cooler white light when at full, (but the Lustr2 was only in 1 profile, adn I didn't get a chance to play with the other settings). 
    The white light temp setting is adjustable on a Series 2 Lustr depending on the mode. IN HSIC the C is colour temp. and there is a huge range!

    1) he didn't have the Soft Focus Diffuser.  While that works with gobos (I'm told), will it remove the colour shadows you get (where you can see a green shadow edge, and a blue shadow edge, and a red shadow edge, all from the same person and lamp?
    Yes the diffuser is a must, I have it in all the lamps. It's just the gobo holder with a small square of diffusion, and should come standard with each unit

    5) I can set it up so I can control the fan on the Luster (Y/N)?
    On the Series 2 Lustr Fan control is setup depending  mode, the best is full control to allow you to control the speed, but the light will always override the setting if the temperature gets too high, to protect the unit.

    13) I won't be buying the EDLT lenses, but using the regular lenses.  However, how bad are the regular 50deg lenses compared to the LED 50deg lenses?  (or, do I REALLY need to purchase some specific 50deg lenses for the LED units?)
    The short answer is no you don't need them, however it's best for you to demo each for yourself. You may decide that the cost difference is worth it (I didn't)

  • Hi Andrew,

    We have 50 S4 series 2 Lustrs, mixed 15/30 zoom, 25/50 zoom & fixed 50 degrees. All are standard lenses not EDLTs.

    I have them set in 2 different modes depending on their use. RGB for rock & roll type work, and HSIC with redshift for theatrical use.
    See some answers below.

    **The Coloursource has a much cooler white light when at full, (but the Lustr2 was only in 1 profile, adn I didn't get a chance to play with the other settings). 
    The white light temp setting is adjustable on a Series 2 Lustr depending on the mode. IN HSIC the C is colour temp. and there is a huge range!

    1) he didn't have the Soft Focus Diffuser.  While that works with gobos (I'm told), will it remove the colour shadows you get (where you can see a green shadow edge, and a blue shadow edge, and a red shadow edge, all from the same person and lamp?
    Yes the diffuser is a must, I have it in all the lamps. It's just the gobo holder with a small square of diffusion, and should come standard with each unit

    5) I can set it up so I can control the fan on the Luster (Y/N)?
    On the Series 2 Lustr Fan control is setup depending  mode, the best is full control to allow you to control the speed, but the light will always override the setting if the temperature gets too high, to protect the unit.

    13) I won't be buying the EDLT lenses, but using the regular lenses.  However, how bad are the regular 50deg lenses compared to the LED 50deg lenses?  (or, do I REALLY need to purchase some specific 50deg lenses for the LED units?)
    The short answer is no you don't need them, however it's best for you to demo each for yourself. You may decide that the cost difference is worth it (I didn't)

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