i have 22 of these instruments and have a cyc that's 100 ft long and has (2) 11 ft curves...ive used 20 of them at 5 ft apart and 3 ft away from cyc...i have trouble making it look even  especially in the curves...any suggestions????

  • For the straight part, definitely give the LED Cyc Tool App a try:

    The curves are gonna be really tough because of the nature of the cyc adaptor beam spread.  I might try adding some R104 to those fixtures, or perhaps mounting a few vertically on booms to fill in the sides.

  • thanks for the advice.....i work for mississippi public broadcasting...a pbs affiliate and state agency...45 year old wiring that caused a tiny fire finally got the agency to get new LED lights, dimmer rack and new wiring in the grid...we decided to go low power...i use to have (22) 3-bank 1500w each cyc lights, 4k mole soft lights, strand fresnels and ellipsodials...source four ellipsodials... and some old kleigl lights the latest source 4 LED ellipsodial that can change to any color u want...desisti super LED fresnels, and the color source spot with cyc lens attachment... everything we use is 56k...cognito light board which i am on my 4th board because of glitches...dont buy cognito :(...........little disappointed with the cyc lights...but we were running out of $$$...looked good when we tested them but didnt think about the corners...
  • Good luck and let us know how it turns out.  In my experience, the Cyc Tool app does a great job of estimating the number of lights you need and the focus angle, but I can imagine that the curves would present problems.  

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