Revolution Gel Strings

It seems that the instructions in the manual for loading a new gel string are wrong.  It states that the trailer should go on the right spool and the leader on the left.  I would interpret the leader to be the end of the gel string that is displayed when you are at 0% and the trailer to be displayed when you are at 100% as the default position for the gel string is 0%.  This is not the way the instructions are written.  In reality the end of the gel displayed at 0% (leader in my mind) is on the right spool the end displayed at 100% is on the left spool.

 Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the instructions but it seems like they could be a little clearer.


  • Hi Mat.

    I'm not sure if you have a Revolution with Wybron or before that or which version of the manual you have... but the current manuals for the two versions are as follows: before Wybron - rev E and with Wybron - Rev B.

    I know the Wybron rev B manual added clarification about loading the gel scroll (compared to rev A) and I think that information was also added to the latest version of the "before Wybron" manual... unfortuneately, I just saw that rev E hasn't yet been posted and rev D is still on the website.

    Rev E should be on the website in the next couple days. I invite you to take a look at let us know if that covers the clarification you seek. If not, let us know that too.

    My apologies for the confusion the documentation caused you. Please take a look and let us know if we still need to make it better.



  • Hi Mat.

    I'm not sure if you have a Revolution with Wybron or before that or which version of the manual you have... but the current manuals for the two versions are as follows: before Wybron - rev E and with Wybron - Rev B.

    I know the Wybron rev B manual added clarification about loading the gel scroll (compared to rev A) and I think that information was also added to the latest version of the "before Wybron" manual... unfortuneately, I just saw that rev E hasn't yet been posted and rev D is still on the website.

    Rev E should be on the website in the next couple days. I invite you to take a look at let us know if that covers the clarification you seek. If not, let us know that too.

    My apologies for the confusion the documentation caused you. Please take a look and let us know if we still need to make it better.


