S4 Revolution freezing with scroller


Any idea why a S4 Rev is freezing and needs resetting with the scroller cartridge in but when I remove the cartridge it works fine? Scrolls are all correct size and work fine on 5 of the 6 units but this one is problematic.


Parents Reply Children
  • It is a wybron scroller. I've re-tentioned the scroll and re-fitted the unit and it's working at the moment, however I have done this once already last week and it lasted until now. This is the 2nd unit I've had this particular problem with and the 1st unit got completed changed, keeping the Wybron which solved that issue.

    Is there a sensor misalignment issue that might be causeing the unit to stall?

  • It could be a bad sensor, or faulty cable to sensor, or Problem with the cartridge - maybe the string is too tight, or the sticker is too low, and or not always readable. If the Problem Returns, then readjust the cartridge and swap this cartridge into another fixture and then you can at least know if the cartridge is having issues or the fixture.