S4 Revolution only responding to channels 1-5, no other functions

I have a S4 Rev which will light up, pan and tilt, and respond to fine pan and tilt, but nothing else.  Color scrolls normally on startup, doesn't move with the channel or in test mode.  Only pan and tilt and light in test modes also, no shutter, no gobo wheel, no focus, zoom, or frost doors.  Not getting any error with the led indicators, just solid green after startup.  I tried swapping out the Master Control Card, and no change.  I've opened it up twice and checked every connector I can find to see if it's seated properly, and I'm stumped.  Anyone have anything like this before?


  • Hi Carl,

    can you try removing the two Modules (either SM, IM, RWM or SWM) when fixture is powered off,
    and then power back up and see if you can control Color or Focus or other higher dmx channels.

    Which DMX Address is the fixture set to now during your test? How are you testing? With a console? Which
  • I will try. Assuming I should pull the weighted front plate to counter the loss of the shutter module.

    Showed the problem with the Eos Ti. Testing with a manual 2 scene leprechaun console set to 001 address. I also ran through almost all the self tests with the 800 address settings, with still only light, pan and tilt.
  • I will try. Assuming I should pull the weighted front plate to counter the loss of the shutter module.

    Showed the problem with the Eos Ti. Testing with a manual 2 scene leprechaun console set to 001 address. I also ran through almost all the self tests with the 800 address settings, with still only light, pan and tilt.
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