Revolution Burnt wiring harness leading to lamp

We were troubleshooting a lamp problem on one of our SourceFour Revolutions last night, and we found that it was related to a completely burnt off wire in the wiring harness right near the plugs that join the two portions of the harness near the module bays.

We had almost the exact same problem with our other revolution about 6 month ago - except that time the wires seemd to burn out in such a way that they arcked and sent sparks flying out the front of the fixture.

Has anyone else had problems with the Wiring harness in these fixtures? I believe these units are about 4 years old. They were demo units that we purchased from a dealer last summer. I'm hoping this may be a design flaw that has been fixed in recent verions and that there might be some upgraded parts we could install.

I really like these light - when they work. They are VERY nice. But the repairs are now getting frustrating, and I'm not sure how often these wiring harnesses are going to burn out like this. I've lost most of my confidence in them.

I'll try and post some pictures of the burnt wire soon so you can see what I'm talking about.

  • Hello Bob,

    From an engineering standpoint the wire harness was sound but we did see failures similar to yours. This was most prevalent in 230V applications with very few incidences in the US domestic market at 120V. Regardless, ETC updated the harness to the version Corey talks about and there have been no problems since.   

    The older units had issues and ETC even stopped shipping the unit for several months in order to increase the quality. But even after struggling with early problems both Corey and I continue to use the Revolution when designing shows around Munich as I believe it is a remarkable unit for ‘straight plays’ (Granted, I’m a long term ETC employee so you can take my liking the unit accordingly)

    I will send you a private message to see if we can get you sorted. (And to find out about other issues you might have or have had)


    Mike Meskill

    European Service Manager, ETC  

  • Hello Bob,

    From an engineering standpoint the wire harness was sound but we did see failures similar to yours. This was most prevalent in 230V applications with very few incidences in the US domestic market at 120V. Regardless, ETC updated the harness to the version Corey talks about and there have been no problems since.   

    The older units had issues and ETC even stopped shipping the unit for several months in order to increase the quality. But even after struggling with early problems both Corey and I continue to use the Revolution when designing shows around Munich as I believe it is a remarkable unit for ‘straight plays’ (Granted, I’m a long term ETC employee so you can take my liking the unit accordingly)

    I will send you a private message to see if we can get you sorted. (And to find out about other issues you might have or have had)


    Mike Meskill

    European Service Manager, ETC  
