A film question

On may of the motion picture projects that I have worked on recently I have seen an increase in S4 fixtures geing used in the Gaffer's arsenal. I am curious to know if ETC has ever looked into making a some options for the S4 (par and leko) that will make is more 'film' friendly. If shops chould get the fixture form the factory with a 1 1/8" (sinior) pin on it rather then a standard C-clam that would be a step in the right direction. The ability to get the fixtures with a longer tale made of SO (or similar cord set used on film heads) with a switch in-line, would be amaxing. And if there could be a set of scrims made for the fixtures tha would also be great. And possibly an insert fo the color frame slot that would provide better attachment of color with C-47's. Now that would be hot.

I know that all of these things can be piecemealed together, but if they were available form the company tha would be amazing for us gys and galls that use a lot of S4 for motion picture work.

  • All sounds good.  Would love the availabilities  Just wondering why you would need to C47 attach color?  (I'm a TV guy, we have a few S4s for our 14' fixed-hung grid, we just cut a 9x12 or similar gel sheet basically in half to use in two S4s and stick them in the gel frame or when we have a full sheet, we'll premake a few S4 cuts)

  • All sounds good.  Would love the availabilities  Just wondering why you would need to C47 attach color?  (I'm a TV guy, we have a few S4s for our 14' fixed-hung grid, we just cut a 9x12 or similar gel sheet basically in half to use in two S4s and stick them in the gel frame or when we have a full sheet, we'll premake a few S4 cuts)
