Focus stability issue

Have a revolution with a gobo of our church logo.  I set up a scene with the logo center stage and focused correctly.  Record the cue, then dim all the lights change nothing else and record the prior cue so all moving lights move to position, etc. while stage is dark.  When I go from the dark cue to the lit cue, the church logo is slightly out of focus and slowly moves into focus.  If I back up a cue and then move forward, the logo is still in focus.  If I move through the show, changing gobos, etc in that revolution, then go back to the first dark cue, when I move to the lit cue, the logo is now back to being slightly out of focus.

I am using emphasis with expression for control.  When I check the setup cue that revolution has the right zoom and focus so I don't understand why bringing up the light causes it to actually fully focus even though the board shows no change to the settings.


Any ideas?



[edited by: Tom at 1:28 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Oct 22 2010]
  • Tom,

    It sounds like the Revolution's focus motors are just a few turns away from being "in focus" when you want to bring them up.  Try giving the fixture an extra second or two before bringing the fixture up to full, and see if that solves the problem.  Focus motors always seem to take a bit longer on any ML compared to the rest of their attributes, as they have a long distance to travel.

    If you're absolutely sure you haven't changed focus data from one cue to the next (the best way to do this is to record a focus point), then this should solve the issue.


  • Tom,

    It sounds like the Revolution's focus motors are just a few turns away from being "in focus" when you want to bring them up.  Try giving the fixture an extra second or two before bringing the fixture up to full, and see if that solves the problem.  Focus motors always seem to take a bit longer on any ML compared to the rest of their attributes, as they have a long distance to travel.

    If you're absolutely sure you haven't changed focus data from one cue to the next (the best way to do this is to record a focus point), then this should solve the issue.

