Source four with myDmx

Hello, I have many ETC source four lights that I would like to control with American DJ's myDmx controller.

Does ETC provide profiles for its lights?

I am stuck .. please help

Jim in New Orleans USA

  • If they're conventional Source IVs (i.e. not the Revolution), use the Single Channel or any of the PAR profiles found in the 'generic' Scan Library - one for every dimmer channel in your pack. Profiles are more typically supplied by the controller's manufacturer, if they don't supply the software necessary for users to build their own.

  • If they're conventional Source IVs (i.e. not the Revolution), use the Single Channel or any of the PAR profiles found in the 'generic' Scan Library - one for every dimmer channel in your pack. Profiles are more typically supplied by the controller's manufacturer, if they don't supply the software necessary for users to build their own.

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