Source Four Zoom won't hold focus - how do I fix this

One of our stock of S4 15-30 zooms just wont hold it's focus . Its less than four months old and I hope It's not going to be the first of many that do this as we have 100 in our theatre .

The lens mechanism just slides around freely no matter how you try to set the focus and when it's near vertical on a flybar that's just not good enough .

Is there anyone out there who can tell me how to fix this as at present I have a pretty annoyed designer , who like most designers needs every fixture in  the theatre to be working perfectly .



  • Hi There,

    This is usually a fairly simple fix, if you open the side door in the lens tube you will see the cog mechanism that moves the lenses. In the centre of this there is a largish cross headed screw. You need to tighten this screw up slightly, don't over tighten it as it means the lenses won't move at all, you need to find the point where it is locked when the focus handle is closed and moveable when the focus handle is open.



  • Hi There,

    This is usually a fairly simple fix, if you open the side door in the lens tube you will see the cog mechanism that moves the lenses. In the centre of this there is a largish cross headed screw. You need to tighten this screw up slightly, don't over tighten it as it means the lenses won't move at all, you need to find the point where it is locked when the focus handle is closed and moveable when the focus handle is open.



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