New Fresnel

I got them today, unpacked and started poking at them:



The lamp replacement method is awesome.

The locking focus adjustment is great.

It's a Source Four!  OMGBBQ!!11!

They are light and seem sturdy.



I'm going to need a spare bag of the spring retaining clips immediately.  Just opening them and closing them once has bent 3 of the clips, requiring rather a lot of fidgeting to get the gel frame door shut.  Is this really the best method?

The gel frame door is no longer a one-handed operation, making us ladder-dwellers sad.  Sadface.


I'll connector them up today and turn them on. More reports later!




ACT Theatre, Seattle WA.

  • Likes:

    • lamp replacement
    • focus knob
    • no light leak
    • not burning my hands when focusing (unlike the stuff they replaced)

    Mixed feelings:

    • like the gel frame door for securing barndoors
    • dislike the gel frame door for securing Chroma-Q Pluses. I had to modify the mounting plates to get the door to close.

  • Likes:

    • lamp replacement
    • focus knob
    • no light leak
    • not burning my hands when focusing (unlike the stuff they replaced)

    Mixed feelings:

    • like the gel frame door for securing barndoors
    • dislike the gel frame door for securing Chroma-Q Pluses. I had to modify the mounting plates to get the door to close.

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