Reflector of the Revolution

Hi all.

We've got only 10 Revolution since 2006 and all of them always give us a headache. But now that we've got some time free we open all of them and saw that on 10 Revolutions 9 have a broken reflector. Some cracked others broken. Is it normal that this reflector crack?? We use sometimes for longs periods the Revolutions but we've got others fixtures olders than this Revolutions and they never crack the reflector, only the rest of the projector.

What is the reference of the Reflector for we to order to our dealer?? We've look on the manual and online and we can't see that reference.


Best regards


Pedro Alves

[edited by: Pedro Alves at 12:33 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 20 2012]
  • Hi Pedro,


    please also be aware that when those reflectors are manufacturered (cooked),

    sometimes the backside (unshiny) gets a crack on it. This is normal as long

    as the crack doesn't go through to the shiny reflector side.

    If the cracks are only on the backside of the reflector, this is normal, and

    and if the reflector isn't falling apart, then you won't need to replace it.


  • Hello Pedro,

    You had said that you have had a number of problem since 2006. Did you ever have you Revolutions upgraded by your dealer? There were many upgrades between 2006-2007 that improved quality / reliability of the Revolution.



    European Service Manager, ETC

  • Hello Mike

    Sorry for this late aswer about the upgrade of the Revolution but we had a Theatre festival this last month and I don't came here to see your question.

    But NO we never upgrade ours Revolution despite I saw on your page this upgrades I always think if they were important someone should contact us to say something. I'll ask to my TD if he sometime ago was contacted by someone but I now already the aswer cause if that happend he told us.


    Best Regards

    Pedro Alves


  • Hello Mike

    Sorry for this late aswer about the upgrade of the Revolution but we had a Theatre festival this last month and I don't came here to see your question.

    But NO we never upgrade ours Revolution despite I saw on your page this upgrades I always think if they were important someone should contact us to say something. I'll ask to my TD if he sometime ago was contacted by someone but I now already the aswer cause if that happend he told us.


    Best Regards

    Pedro Alves


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