work on Axon

i had only used the DL2 and not the AXON alone, but what could be fantastic is to have the oportunity to create the look directly on computer, drag and drop files in layers, open close move masks with mouse in layer window, move files position in layers with mouse.... and after create a look with times in the axon that would be send via DMX values, or, as I prefer, a function which send informations in the programmer of the console to save a cue. we could also have an interactive software with DL2s on a PC that would reproduce the interface of the axon wih slots for each DL2.

  • [quote=Marty Postma]Just build it into the cost of rental from the shouldn't be doing multiple DL.2 shows without a switch and Cat5 cables anyway since this can cause problems with the master clock, object sync-ing, etc... when using Collage.

    You wouldn't show up to a gig with a console, some fixtures, and no DMX cables right?.....same for Cat5 cables and gigabit switches for just is part of what you need to do the job properly.

    I was talking about Axon, why must they pay for DL2 and AXON, that is the question.

    [quote=Marty Postma] Absolutely...create the look on the AXON...then CLONE to DL.2 fixtures....all of this happens in the Programmer.

    Don't think you had understand, I want to create the look In the Axon sowftware with out console, next send the look to programmer and/or DL2, with this option you will just have to push [record] [enter] this is existing on a French media server, something really impressive that will perhaps change many things in media severs.

    [quote=Marty Postma] The only problem with this is where does the Ethernet control end and the DMX control begin? There would be conflicts here as the two systems would be competing to tell the fixtures what to do at the same time.

    Why conflict? If there a choice at start or good priority, there is no conflict, and you can already plug dmx and Artnet in DL2 with out any troubles, i had done this week, and as i tell you this is existing right now not on other media server , so it can be done on other one.
  • [quote=Marty Postma]Just build it into the cost of rental from the shouldn't be doing multiple DL.2 shows without a switch and Cat5 cables anyway since this can cause problems with the master clock, object sync-ing, etc... when using Collage.

    You wouldn't show up to a gig with a console, some fixtures, and no DMX cables right?.....same for Cat5 cables and gigabit switches for just is part of what you need to do the job properly.

    I was talking about Axon, why must they pay for DL2 and AXON, that is the question.

    [quote=Marty Postma] Absolutely...create the look on the AXON...then CLONE to DL.2 fixtures....all of this happens in the Programmer.

    Don't think you had understand, I want to create the look In the Axon sowftware with out console, next send the look to programmer and/or DL2, with this option you will just have to push [record] [enter] this is existing on a French media server, something really impressive that will perhaps change many things in media severs.

    [quote=Marty Postma] The only problem with this is where does the Ethernet control end and the DMX control begin? There would be conflicts here as the two systems would be competing to tell the fixtures what to do at the same time.

    Why conflict? If there a choice at start or good priority, there is no conflict, and you can already plug dmx and Artnet in DL2 with out any troubles, i had done this week, and as i tell you this is existing right now not on other media server , so it can be done on other one.
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