Axon v's Catlyst


I'm intrested in buying some kind of media server - Axon / catalyst

Could anybody let me know the main difference between the two
pro's and con's of each system
What one can do that the other can't etc


  • [quote=SBlair]Marty,

    SDI is something we may do in the future with Axon.

    It's doubtful that we will do it in DL.2 though as it doesn't make as much sense for the architecture there. The internal camera is S-video so we will still need/use the s-video for that. Also, since the s-video capture is built into the graphics card we will be able to get better throughput by doing the manipulation directly in the GPU and not having to go through the system bus as we would with PCIE.

    Well I guess we'll have to wait for the "HDL" or "DL.3-HD" or something eh?

    You could put an SDI output board into that camera eventhough its' resolution is below the HD range.....but I have yet to see a graphics card with SDI-IN built into it....SDI-OUT no problemo though (like the nVidia Quadro FX SDI).
  • [quote=SBlair]Marty,

    SDI is something we may do in the future with Axon.

    It's doubtful that we will do it in DL.2 though as it doesn't make as much sense for the architecture there. The internal camera is S-video so we will still need/use the s-video for that. Also, since the s-video capture is built into the graphics card we will be able to get better throughput by doing the manipulation directly in the GPU and not having to go through the system bus as we would with PCIE.

    Well I guess we'll have to wait for the "HDL" or "DL.3-HD" or something eh?

    You could put an SDI output board into that camera eventhough its' resolution is below the HD range.....but I have yet to see a graphics card with SDI-IN built into it....SDI-OUT no problemo though (like the nVidia Quadro FX SDI).
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