Quicktime files

I have a bunch of quicktime movies I'd like to import to Axon
I see they need to be converted to .mpv / .m1v / .mpg / .m2v

What do I need to do this
I have quicktime pro 7.1.3 mac
Mac software preferebly

The files are 720 x 480
Codecs - Photo / jpeg / timecode
Duration from 6 secs - to about 12 secs

  • Hey Cormac,

    When you open up the program after you "Start a new project" under "Source" from the right hand toolbar select "source wizard". Select the middle option for DVD from the pop-up window. You can then either point the program to your optical drive (DVD) or to wherever you have the DVD files.

    I do typically copy the DVD files directly to my HDD for better read speed than the optical DVD drive. I have 7200 RPM HDDs on my computer. Having enough room on your HDD and plenty 'o RAM is a good thing too.

    Then just check your filters, frame speeds, etc, etc as usual.:friday:
  • Hey Cormac,

    When you open up the program after you "Start a new project" under "Source" from the right hand toolbar select "source wizard". Select the middle option for DVD from the pop-up window. You can then either point the program to your optical drive (DVD) or to wherever you have the DVD files.

    I do typically copy the DVD files directly to my HDD for better read speed than the optical DVD drive. I have 7200 RPM HDDs on my computer. Having enough room on your HDD and plenty 'o RAM is a good thing too.

    Then just check your filters, frame speeds, etc, etc as usual.:friday:
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