
Hey can anyone tell me if you can run audio clips from the Axon:1zhelp: ? I have triggered media clips with audio via Catalyst, but was wondering if there is an audio out on the Axon and is so, have HES placed a audio play forward setting to use this function?:phone:

if not, i think it would be a great feature to add so that it could possibly be used on some events coming up.:poke:
  • [quote=SBlair]Playing from a DVD sounds interesting. I'm not sure how well it would work though. There would need to be some type of navigation system for selecting the track to play and so forth. There is also the cueing issue as it would be far from instantaneous response that everyone is used to with harddrive-based media. Ever notice how long it takes your DVD player at home to start playing the movie?

    Didn't think hard enough about that...I guess we would need an extra DMX channel for DVD playback controls then.

    I've found it useful for last mintue accomodations where there is no time to rip content from a DVD and then load to server(s).
  • [quote=SBlair]Playing from a DVD sounds interesting. I'm not sure how well it would work though. There would need to be some type of navigation system for selecting the track to play and so forth. There is also the cueing issue as it would be far from instantaneous response that everyone is used to with harddrive-based media. Ever notice how long it takes your DVD player at home to start playing the movie?

    Didn't think hard enough about that...I guess we would need an extra DMX channel for DVD playback controls then.

    I've found it useful for last mintue accomodations where there is no time to rip content from a DVD and then load to server(s).
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