16:9 Projector and Collage

I have a show comming up that will have 4 DL.2's on it. They are projecting onto two curved panels (two to each panel) that flank a flat center rear projected screen. Please see the image attached for clarification. The center screen will be using a fixed 16:9 Projector. I was wondering if I can use an Axon with the center projector and have the whole screen become a 5x1 collage. I know that there will be some funny blending issues where the DL.2 and the Rear Screen meet, but would this work? Thanks.

  • [quote=FxDrew]This mode doesn't actually flip the image over the horizontal or verticle axis. It's a mirror image of the source so when you look at it, it reads normally. They use this mode in classrooms with RP screens for power point presentations.

    Exactly, so if you were to put your center projector into a "Rear" mode to try and match your DL.2s you will run into problems with things like text because it will be "mirrored" to be readable on the opposite side of the screen.

    (If you have ever tried to navigate a projector's menu from behind an RP screen you will know exactly what I am talking about)

    This same type of "mirroring" happens when you flip a media file around in DL.2 or AXON 180 degrees on the X or Y axis when using the default 3x4 rectagle object.....you are now looking through the object from the other side, and hence it appears to be "mirrored". Just as if you have walked around behind a projection screen to view it from the opposite side. (Note that you could also change your viewpoint in Global as well to move around behind the object and view it from the opposite side if you wanted to, but now your layer hierarchry will be reversed...1 will be the "front" most layer and 3 will be the "rear" most).
  • [quote=FxDrew]This mode doesn't actually flip the image over the horizontal or verticle axis. It's a mirror image of the source so when you look at it, it reads normally. They use this mode in classrooms with RP screens for power point presentations.

    Exactly, so if you were to put your center projector into a "Rear" mode to try and match your DL.2s you will run into problems with things like text because it will be "mirrored" to be readable on the opposite side of the screen.

    (If you have ever tried to navigate a projector's menu from behind an RP screen you will know exactly what I am talking about)

    This same type of "mirroring" happens when you flip a media file around in DL.2 or AXON 180 degrees on the X or Y axis when using the default 3x4 rectagle object.....you are now looking through the object from the other side, and hence it appears to be "mirrored". Just as if you have walked around behind a projection screen to view it from the opposite side. (Note that you could also change your viewpoint in Global as well to move around behind the object and view it from the opposite side if you wanted to, but now your layer hierarchry will be reversed...1 will be the "front" most layer and 3 will be the "rear" most).
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