16:9 Projector and Collage

I have a show comming up that will have 4 DL.2's on it. They are projecting onto two curved panels (two to each panel) that flank a flat center rear projected screen. Please see the image attached for clarification. The center screen will be using a fixed 16:9 Projector. I was wondering if I can use an Axon with the center projector and have the whole screen become a 5x1 collage. I know that there will be some funny blending issues where the DL.2 and the Rear Screen meet, but would this work? Thanks.

  • Not to confuse the issue further, but I mentioned rotating (or flipping) on the Z axis as well because your DL.2s look like they are hung from a truss, whereas your front projector appears to be sitting on ground support (balcony ledge perhaps?).

    This could be easily overcome though by changing your projectors "ceiling" mode.

    It's the same type of thing if you were to tilt your DL.2s in the wrong direction to a projection surface....the image will be upside down. But like I already mentioned if your projector has a "ceiling" mode you can easily reverse this.

    Hope all of this is helpful to you.:)
  • Not to confuse the issue further, but I mentioned rotating (or flipping) on the Z axis as well because your DL.2s look like they are hung from a truss, whereas your front projector appears to be sitting on ground support (balcony ledge perhaps?).

    This could be easily overcome though by changing your projectors "ceiling" mode.

    It's the same type of thing if you were to tilt your DL.2s in the wrong direction to a projection surface....the image will be upside down. But like I already mentioned if your projector has a "ceiling" mode you can easily reverse this.

    Hope all of this is helpful to you.:)
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