Pixel Mapping

One big downside I see of buying an Axon is the lack of pixel mapping software within the server...

I see other servers or products on the market such as Hippo critter with this feature and think it is a real shame. I do want an Axon, but I would really like to control things like Colour Web with Axon without the need for external software such as Radlites Pixel Drive. (Can anybody suggest any others by the way..?)

Is it me or does everybody else want Pixel Mapping too? I see this as a major need considering the amount of LED walls and products hitting the industry and the ones which have already proven themselves as workhorses.

Not quite a rant, more of a hint ;)
  • [quote=Marty Postma;39396]
    I find that as the name "Hippo" suggests....they are just too big and klunky to work with efficiently....but that is just my opinion.

    Fair enough. I think I prefered the software side of being able to completely change a piece of content with the effects. I didnt really judge it on size. But you are right that everybody has opinion. I would like to go for Axon over Hippo.... But there are none at all in the mainland UK. :angryfire:. Whereas Hippo is a different story. I think Axon is going to be great for my video needs, but not Pixel Mapping. I also understand now why that is. So thanks :friday:

  • [quote=Marty Postma;39396]
    I find that as the name "Hippo" suggests....they are just too big and klunky to work with efficiently....but that is just my opinion.

    Fair enough. I think I prefered the software side of being able to completely change a piece of content with the effects. I didnt really judge it on size. But you are right that everybody has opinion. I would like to go for Axon over Hippo.... But there are none at all in the mainland UK. :angryfire:. Whereas Hippo is a different story. I think Axon is going to be great for my video needs, but not Pixel Mapping. I also understand now why that is. So thanks :friday:

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