The preset of Catalyst 4

Hi everyone,

Any delay time for the preset in Catalyst V.4?
The second one is that how do I repeat the cuelist of Version 4.
Last, Can I automatic load the Catalyst after switch on the computer and how to send to output 2 to full screen automatically.
Thanks your help.

  • [QUOTE=fkm]Any delay time for the preset in Catalyst V.4?
    The second one is that how do I repeat the cuelist of Version 4.
    Last, Can I automatic load the Catalyst after switch on the computer and how to send to output 2 to full screen automatically.

    I don't believe that the presets can help you with delay time. You can, however, change the wait time in the cue list if that is what you are asking. After dropping a preset into the cuelist window, you can then change the wait time by clicking on the box, entering your desired start time, and press enter. You can change the wait time on all presets in the cuelist, even to different start times.

    Richard may want to clarify this, but there isn't a way to automatically repeat the cuelist with just catalyst. I believe you need to do this with some other control.

    To start catalyst at the start up of the G5, open System Preferences and click on accounts. Click on the tab named "Login Items". Take the Catalyst Icon and drop that into the list of start up items. Click on the box to the left. After restart, you should see catalyst load automatically with the start up of your computer.

    To automatically go into full screen mode, click on Full Screen OFF button on the output section of the catalyst control window. There you can choose the option "Goto Full Screen At Startup".You can use this on either output one or output two.

    You can choose Auto play cue list in the options button on the cuelist window.

    Here is the getting started with V4 manual.

    Leah Durrett
  • [QUOTE=fkm]Any delay time for the preset in Catalyst V.4?
    The second one is that how do I repeat the cuelist of Version 4.
    Last, Can I automatic load the Catalyst after switch on the computer and how to send to output 2 to full screen automatically.

    I don't believe that the presets can help you with delay time. You can, however, change the wait time in the cue list if that is what you are asking. After dropping a preset into the cuelist window, you can then change the wait time by clicking on the box, entering your desired start time, and press enter. You can change the wait time on all presets in the cuelist, even to different start times.

    Richard may want to clarify this, but there isn't a way to automatically repeat the cuelist with just catalyst. I believe you need to do this with some other control.

    To start catalyst at the start up of the G5, open System Preferences and click on accounts. Click on the tab named "Login Items". Take the Catalyst Icon and drop that into the list of start up items. Click on the box to the left. After restart, you should see catalyst load automatically with the start up of your computer.

    To automatically go into full screen mode, click on Full Screen OFF button on the output section of the catalyst control window. There you can choose the option "Goto Full Screen At Startup".You can use this on either output one or output two.

    You can choose Auto play cue list in the options button on the cuelist window.

    Here is the getting started with V4 manual.

    Leah Durrett
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