How to store the Preset


I have a problem about the preset store of Catalyst V.4. I did some presets in the Xpress of Catalyst V.4. However after I closed the problem and then start it again. Those preset will disappear. Do I miss any step to store the preset. Thanks help!

  • Hi Hugh,

    Sorry I need to check the build of Xpress. But I found the problem of the preset. I set the content from preset 1 to 24. However everytime I quit the program and enter it again. The FIRST 14 preset will change content. I use the user layer 1 in layer 3 but it always change other user layer. Last I try to copy this 14 presets to present 31 to 44. The question solved. Those content won't change anymore. Please help me for it. Thanks.

  • Hi Hugh,

    Sorry I need to check the build of Xpress. But I found the problem of the preset. I set the content from preset 1 to 24. However everytime I quit the program and enter it again. The FIRST 14 preset will change content. I use the user layer 1 in layer 3 but it always change other user layer. Last I try to copy this 14 presets to present 31 to 44. The question solved. Those content won't change anymore. Please help me for it. Thanks.

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