A fun permissions game after upgrading servers

Here is a fun little permissions game for you . I've successfully upgraded our two Pro servers to 4.05UB_HD from 3.2 Pro.
Here is the problem: I had installed the 4.05UB_HD build while I was logged in as an administer. It ran fine when I was logged into this account. I then changed the permissions so that our "Catalyst User" account (which is a standard account, not admin) could use the program and the folder.

The permissions are as follows when logged into the "Catalyst User" account:

Permissions for "Catalyst 4.05" Folder located in the "Applications" Folder
You can- Read & Write
Owner- Catalyst user- Read & Write
Group- admin- Read & Write
Others- Read & Write
(permissions are unlocked)

Permissions for the application "Catalyst 4.05_m50UB_HD" located in the "Catalyst 4.05" Folder
You can- Read & Write
Owner- Catalyst user- Read & Write
Group- admin- Read & Write
Others- Read & Write
(permissions are unlocked)

What happens when I try to run the program in the "Catalyst User" account, I will get the Catalyst 4.0 Splash screen, then the screen disappears. The pointer then changes to the spinning disk icon (program thinking). I let the program sit for 15 minutes, but it did not change. When I went to force quit the program it said that Catalyst was "not responding". I've deleted the catalystpresets.txt, catppc__settings.xml and colour presets.xml files from when it program first ran on the Administer account so it could write them again while in the "Catalyst User" account. I have also tried switching the "Catalyst User" account to an administer, then re-installed the program to the applications folder and still would not work. It seems to only run while you are logged into the original Adminsiter account from when I did the upgrade from 3.2 to 4.0.

Any thoughts on this one?
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