HD (High Definition) and a way to make it work??


So I have a video screen that is about 60' wide by 16' tall being driven by by Catalysts machines though an Edge Blender to three XGA projectors. The problem is that I am no longer doing piece content but content that spans all three projectors. So basically, One Image and Three Projectors. This is a tremendous waste of Catalyst and the synchronization across Catalysts is killing me.

It makes much more sense for me to run a single media server to playback than to run three and try to sync them. I am interested in solutions.

For Instance:
Matrox makes a device called a TripleHead2Go. This is an idiot box that takes a single feed from a PC computer and splits it into three screens wide.
For example, I would set my PC to display 3072 x 768 (3072 is 3 x 1024). I feed this into the Box and it takes the first 1024 and puts it on monitor 1, the second 1024 on monitor 2, and the third on monitor 3.

The TripleHead2Go requires the source computer to have a custom raster size (in this case 3072 x 768) which it splits into three images. I use 1024 x 768 as my reference since that is the display resolution of my projectors.

The wish I have is that I could run two Catalysts outputting HD at 1080p on two sides of a DMX video crossfader and that from the crossfader I could output the HD file and split it to send a third each to the three screens.
Yes, to all of you who know... This sounds like a job for a screenPro2 from Folsom but since I don't have $60,000 to spend on that switcher, and I don't need it, I want to find a better and cheaper way which does the same job.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
  • [quote=developer]
    i have just - at a pinch been able to run 2x 1280x720 movies on shows off a 15k rpm scsi drive.

    i have been able to run 4 movies at 1024x768 using an xserve raid off a single mac.

    i did a show in corsica last year with 2 machines - each using one half of an xserve raid, each running 4 movies at 1024x768.

    So I'm thinking about spending the money to by a new MacPro that I would put a Quatro FX 4500 in.
    It would suck to have to dump money into an xServe as well.

    Do you actually think I need an xServe RAID for playback and seek time?
    What about just putting three 15k SCSIs in a stripe set inside the MacPro? Wouldn't that outperform the data throughput from the xServer RAIDs fibre channel?
    It would matter for seek time on the xServe RAID since their only using SATA drives. If I were to also add an xServe RAID, what kind of configuration? Obviously I don't need the storage as much as I need the speed so 14 drives in a stripe is a little excessive.

    What have you tested? What do you use in your xServe RAIDs? Have you tried striping SCSI 15ks in your Mac Pro?

    ...2x 1280x720 movies on shows off a 15k...

    That's impressive! Was your compression about 70%? Were there any noticeable (even if only you noticed) skips or jerks?

    i have been able to run 4 movies at 1024x768 using an xserve raid off a single mac.

    This is about 3.15 mega-pixels. If I were to run 6 movies at 800 x 600 that would be 2.88 mega-pixels. That being the case, wouldn't you agree that if I was running 2 files at 2400 x 600 on a 3head2go that I would be within your tested threshold?
  • [quote=developer]
    i have just - at a pinch been able to run 2x 1280x720 movies on shows off a 15k rpm scsi drive.

    i have been able to run 4 movies at 1024x768 using an xserve raid off a single mac.

    i did a show in corsica last year with 2 machines - each using one half of an xserve raid, each running 4 movies at 1024x768.

    So I'm thinking about spending the money to by a new MacPro that I would put a Quatro FX 4500 in.
    It would suck to have to dump money into an xServe as well.

    Do you actually think I need an xServe RAID for playback and seek time?
    What about just putting three 15k SCSIs in a stripe set inside the MacPro? Wouldn't that outperform the data throughput from the xServer RAIDs fibre channel?
    It would matter for seek time on the xServe RAID since their only using SATA drives. If I were to also add an xServe RAID, what kind of configuration? Obviously I don't need the storage as much as I need the speed so 14 drives in a stripe is a little excessive.

    What have you tested? What do you use in your xServe RAIDs? Have you tried striping SCSI 15ks in your Mac Pro?

    ...2x 1280x720 movies on shows off a 15k...

    That's impressive! Was your compression about 70%? Were there any noticeable (even if only you noticed) skips or jerks?

    i have been able to run 4 movies at 1024x768 using an xserve raid off a single mac.

    This is about 3.15 mega-pixels. If I were to run 6 movies at 800 x 600 that would be 2.88 mega-pixels. That being the case, wouldn't you agree that if I was running 2 files at 2400 x 600 on a 3head2go that I would be within your tested threshold?
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