Audio and Timecode

The lighting console needs to control the show. I am using Catalyst and need to sync multiple cats and also sync audio with it.
I don't really care what audio program I use to play audio as long as I can sync it to timecode.

Any ideas if there are DMX controllable audio servers?
Any suggestion what would be a good timecode generator to use to slave Catalyst off of and still be able to control from the lighting controller?
  • Got your email Richard.
    In addition to playing with Toys, I have been busy on other shows and trying to design a building that's going to use 6 projectors permanently installed for a 180 degree panoramic immersive environment. We'll prolly talk about that one in a few months.
    For now, my Cat stuff has just been beyond my free time.
    I'll email you back with details before the end of the week.
    In the mean time, any thoughts in a DMX controllable Audio playback device that outputs timecode?
    Maybe you can develop "Auralyst" (the audio Catalyst). Then we can really piss of the audio guys.
  • Got your email Richard.
    In addition to playing with Toys, I have been busy on other shows and trying to design a building that's going to use 6 projectors permanently installed for a 180 degree panoramic immersive environment. We'll prolly talk about that one in a few months.
    For now, my Cat stuff has just been beyond my free time.
    I'll email you back with details before the end of the week.
    In the mean time, any thoughts in a DMX controllable Audio playback device that outputs timecode?
    Maybe you can develop "Auralyst" (the audio Catalyst). Then we can really piss of the audio guys.
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