MacPro Hardware for HD?

I know HES has not officially checked of on the MacPros, but it seems from reading the forums that many of you are using them.
I will be using Catalyst to serve our new DPI Lightning 40HD, and I want to get the best hardware that is available now. Hopefully the hardware will have some future as well.
So MacPro users, is there a difference between 2.0, 2.66 and 3 GHz processors in this application?
What video card are you using?
What Hard Drive configuration are you using?
How much RAM is enough? How much is just wasting money?
Thank you for your help.
Looking forward to joining the Catalyst community.
  • Michael,
    We are using the ATTO Technology, Inc UL5D Dual Channel PCIe SCSI card. The current driver does work but it has shown some incompatibilities. They figured this out and will be releasing a new driver somewhere around the 25th of this month. The problem doesn't really appear unless you have 4GB of RAM on your MacPro. The ATTO Configuration tool that comes with the software does not work quite yet. I think this will be fixed with the new driver release this month.
    This is a new machine. New technology. There are a lot of companies that will find some incompatibilties. It is good to have patience. It takes a bit to get the bugs out. We are dependent on other companies hardware and compatibilty with Apple.
    I have not used the CalDigit SATA RAID array. Anyone else?

  • Michael,
    We are using the ATTO Technology, Inc UL5D Dual Channel PCIe SCSI card. The current driver does work but it has shown some incompatibilities. They figured this out and will be releasing a new driver somewhere around the 25th of this month. The problem doesn't really appear unless you have 4GB of RAM on your MacPro. The ATTO Configuration tool that comes with the software does not work quite yet. I think this will be fixed with the new driver release this month.
    This is a new machine. New technology. There are a lot of companies that will find some incompatibilties. It is good to have patience. It takes a bit to get the bugs out. We are dependent on other companies hardware and compatibilty with Apple.
    I have not used the CalDigit SATA RAID array. Anyone else?

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