Sphere Wireframe image type

What is it so we can copy other masks into these parameters?
resolution? bit deps?
  • John,

    You may have to login using your credentials after you register.
    You may have to verify your account by responding to an email.
    Your account may have to be activated by an administrator before you can post new threads.

    The catvx.com web site is administered by the developer of the Catalyst software and not by HES. We won't be able to tell why you cannot post.

    I would suggest rebooting your computer and trying to log in to the site and post a new thread. If this doesn't work, I'd suggest clicking the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the main page of the catvx.com forums and select the "Registration Problem" option. The administrators of their forum site should be able to help you out.
  • John,

    You may have to login using your credentials after you register.
    You may have to verify your account by responding to an email.
    Your account may have to be activated by an administrator before you can post new threads.

    The catvx.com web site is administered by the developer of the Catalyst software and not by HES. We won't be able to tell why you cannot post.

    I would suggest rebooting your computer and trying to log in to the site and post a new thread. If this doesn't work, I'd suggest clicking the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the main page of the catvx.com forums and select the "Registration Problem" option. The administrators of their forum site should be able to help you out.
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