Step by Step Guide

Hi everyone. First post!!

I'm a first year student at the Royal Welsh College of music and drama in Cardiff, Wales. I'm very interested in Catalyst, although hae never had the opportunity to use a Catalyst system yet. I was wondering if anyone had written any sort of step by step guide to the basics of Catalyst. I know my way around a Hog2 fairly well, but can't quite understand how you would control Catalyst from it.
I know its a stab in the dark, but if anyones written anything like that, it'd be great to have a look at it. If not, perhaps someone could contribute a very basic summary to this thread?

Many thanks in advance

Peter Kirkup
  • Hi there. I'm an ex-student of the RWCMD - I did the post-grad course there. Controlling Catalyst from a Hog 2 is actually very straightforward. It's just like controlling 4 big moving lights, in terms of programming.
    Catalyst has four image/movie layers. Layer 1 is the background layer and layer 4 is the foregorund layer. Each layer is treated as a seperate 40 channel fixture. So layer 1 is Catalyst 1 and layer 4 is Catalyst 4. Doing cross-dissolves is a matter of crossfading between layers.

    If you want more info, you can e-mail me at

    Hugh Davies-Webb
    RWCMD 1991 -1992
    European Catalyst bloke
    High End Systems Europe Ltd
  • Hi there. I'm an ex-student of the RWCMD - I did the post-grad course there. Controlling Catalyst from a Hog 2 is actually very straightforward. It's just like controlling 4 big moving lights, in terms of programming.
    Catalyst has four image/movie layers. Layer 1 is the background layer and layer 4 is the foregorund layer. Each layer is treated as a seperate 40 channel fixture. So layer 1 is Catalyst 1 and layer 4 is Catalyst 4. Doing cross-dissolves is a matter of crossfading between layers.

    If you want more info, you can e-mail me at

    Hugh Davies-Webb
    RWCMD 1991 -1992
    European Catalyst bloke
    High End Systems Europe Ltd
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