How reliable is the video input feature?

Can I expect full framerate playback if I use a Blackmagic card and keystone the video layer, and what latency do I get?
Can I use the same input on two layers on separate outputs, and is the layers in exact sync?

Sorry for my weird questions. :)
  • you can expect full frame rate.
    i get full frame rate across both video inputs.
    there is no performance hit from keystoning.

    latency with video input in catalyst is between 2 and 5 frames, but you need to be aware that many other pieces of equipment in the video chain, from camera, to video switchers to mixers, to catalyst, to scan convertors, to video projectors, all add their own latencies.
    so if you are using video input in a large live show - you are at the mercy of the entire video chain.
    i have had reports of huge delays in video projectors.
    i recently did a show in paris and the latency was not noticeable.

    also be aware that in live shows with audio, sound travels at only 10m/video frame - so sound only needs to go around 50m for a 5 frame delay.


    you can use the video input on all layers simultaneously on any output- and there are 2 video inputs that can be used, and with the same video input on different layers - even on different screens - there is no delay.


    there are always little problems that crop up - however - and you should always try and test these things for yourself.
  • you can expect full frame rate.
    i get full frame rate across both video inputs.
    there is no performance hit from keystoning.

    latency with video input in catalyst is between 2 and 5 frames, but you need to be aware that many other pieces of equipment in the video chain, from camera, to video switchers to mixers, to catalyst, to scan convertors, to video projectors, all add their own latencies.
    so if you are using video input in a large live show - you are at the mercy of the entire video chain.
    i have had reports of huge delays in video projectors.
    i recently did a show in paris and the latency was not noticeable.

    also be aware that in live shows with audio, sound travels at only 10m/video frame - so sound only needs to go around 50m for a 5 frame delay.


    you can use the video input on all layers simultaneously on any output- and there are 2 video inputs that can be used, and with the same video input on different layers - even on different screens - there is no delay.


    there are always little problems that crop up - however - and you should always try and test these things for yourself.
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