Gateway update and RDM connection

We just got new Robert Juliat LED Profilers that don't have a display and can only be configured via Web Interface or RDM. So now we tried to do it via RDM to not have to give them fixed addresses, and it worked as long as we plugged in to the local DMX Outputs on our Gio @5. However as soon as it was over Network with a Response Mk2 Gateway inbetween it didn't work anymore. The ETC tech support said to update the software of the gateway and here's my Problem:

I got it as far as having the gateway recognized by UpdatorAtor and I got all the Softwares Installed, However in the Tag "Software version" it didn't change from "Finding" to the current software (I waited for about 10 minutes).

Does anyone know where the problem could be? Could the software update interfere with the compatibillity with the rest of my network and what else could be the problem with the RDM Network connection?

It's our first time working with stuff like this...

  • Hello,

    I am the person in charge at Robert Juliat regarding protocols and network.

    Our RDM implementation is heavy, more than 80 PIds and we go far beyond E1.20.

    I personnaly tested the compatibilty with an ETC response gateway some months ago with an EOS console and I did not have any issue. 

    Do you run your fixture with firmware 3.0 or 4.0X?

    Could you send me your email address  to reach out as I would to make sure that we are still compatible?

  • thanks! I'll need to check those things when I got the time, though it may take some days since I've got a lot to do the next few days at work, but I'll rech out when I found out :)

  • Hello Lea,

    I have not heard anything back from you yet..

    Did you manage to solve your problem?

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you are still having the issue.

  • Hey! Sorry for not responding, we haven't had the time to look further into the problem yet. Is it alright if I reafh out to you once we try again?

  • Hey! Sorry for not responding, we haven't had the time to look further into the problem yet. Is it alright if I reafh out to you once we try again?
