4 port gateway powering off issue



We are running an Ion main, Gio backup, outputting to our dimmers through first universe of a four port gateway.  When we power down the desks at the end of the night, we have an issue when the UPS powering desks and gateway is switched off - Random dimmers in the rig switch on.  This doesn't happen every time we power down, and is not always the same dimmers.  I wondered if anyone could give me a solution?





  • Have a search for "DMX Death Gasp"

    During the final moments of the capacitors discharging, the receiving device can interpret the noise of a dying chip as DMX levels.
    It's random and doesn't affect every installation.

    If you allow the Gateways to stay powered until they have turned off their DMX output internally you'll usually get a better (though not necessarily perfect) result.
    - By default, this is 185 sec after the last sACN source on a Universe stops transmitting. Use GCE to alter this if it's too long/short.
