Anyone know if there is a way to remove the IP address from the lcd on the nodes. I don't like making that info available to anyone who sees the screens. Is there a setting in NCE that removes that info on the nodes?
Anyone know if there is a way to remove the IP address from the lcd on the nodes. I don't like making that info available to anyone who sees the screens. Is there a setting in NCE that removes that info on the nodes?
Hi Jeff
You can give the Net 2 node some text in the 'Name' field in NCE. This text will then replace the IP address on the LCD screen.
Hi Jeff
You can give the Net 2 node some text in the 'Name' field in NCE. This text will then replace the IP address on the LCD screen.
Sweet. Thanks Graham.
Super easy to name it :-) Now q2: is there a screen off time out setting? I'm thinking not because there would be no way to wake it up, but I know so little it never hurts to ask.
According to the manual my Google Fu was able to find, it doesn't look like there is any way to control the backlight behaviour of the face panel nor the status indicators. There may be some newer revision that adds the feature...
Actually there is a way to turn on or off the backlight on the two-port, documentation for it is hidden in the NCE user manual:
Page 40:
Naming the ports [ETCNet2 Two Port DMX Node Only]:
In the Name field, type the name of the node, the name of port 1 and the name of port 2 with each of them separated by a colon ‘:'.
• For example: nodeName:port1:port2. A useful set of names: Catwalk1:Moving Lights:Color Scrollers
LCD Backlight settings:
There is an additional field that can be used to set the state of the LCD backlight on the node. Valid values are "ON", "OFF" or "AUTO". On will turn the LCD backlight on and it will never timeout and turn off. Off will turn the LCD backlight off and you will not be able to turn it back on again without changing the configuration. Auto is only supported by the Net3 DMX Gateways and will activate the LCD backlight with the first LCD button push. The LCD
backlight will then timeout after one minute.
• ETCNet2 Two Port DMX Node only supports "ON" or "OFF". The syntax to configure the backlight for a ETCNet2 Two Port DMX Node is: nodeName:port1:port2:ON.
Note the "Auto" Setting is only available for the Net3 gateways, Net2 nodes only support "On" or "Off".