Gateway Port config locking

I've been working on a few system installs that are starting to use DMX gateways to control architectural lighting fixtures that do not want to be typically edited by the users.

As some of these sites are schools, and I was "one of those students" I was wondering if it might be a good idea to perhaps be able to make GCE have a user access level defined, and make a specific gateway, or even better certain specific ports on that gateway, not visible or not editable by the user logged into GCE.

I don't believe this feature is currently available, but it would be a nice possible addition to the software.



  • We discuss security on all products that connect to our network quite regularly. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as user levels within GCE, or more appropriately current products like Net3 Concert. This would actually require the user levels and protection in each end device. If it is done within the software, anyone could easily download a new installer and have access to everything. It is something we hope to consider in the future, but as you might expect it's not a trivial task. I am quite glad to see some request for it, as this helps validate the need so we can prioritize to potential work.

  • +1 for security features. I, too, have run into the same scenarios occasionally, and the frequency of those seem to be increasing.

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