Concert error

When I want to change the Max. output voltage from 115V to 230V in a Source Four Dimmers in a the Сoncert by RDM protcol, and when I push Synchronize button, the Concert shows me this error:

What is the relationship between Dimmers and Desire's preset???

I can not using the 115V. I have Lamps for 230V

  • Hello,

    That message is displayed in error!

    However the Source 4 dimmer output voltage can not be changed remotely, for safety reasons, from 115v to 230v (imagine a rig of 115v lamps suddenly popping as the console operator changes the voltage to 230v).

    You can however set the safe 230v to 115v change remotely.

    To change the voltage on the unit (details on page 2 of:

    To view the current output voltage:
    Step 1: Press and hold both the plus and minus buttons. The output voltage will be shown on the three digit display.

    To change the current output voltage:
    Step 1: Press and hold both the plus and minus buttons.
    Step 2: While holding the plus and minus buttons, hold down the test button. The voltage that you will be changing to will appear blinking, then a 5-count, count down will be shown.
    Once the countdown is complete, the new voltage will be applied and saved.


