DMX Cables sticking in nodes

Hello All,


This might sound like a silly question.  In our new studio theatre, we have a multitude of different nodes, (wall, table top and  truss mount) and now I have had a dmx cable "stick" in at least one of each type.  When I say stick, I mean that I can't get the dang dmx plug out!  Yes...I push on the little tab.  I wiggle, jiggle, push, pull.  Nothing.  I currently have two nodes and cables off to our supplier to extract.  The other cables were pretty much ruined in the process of extraction.  These are *brand new* dmx cables too.

 Is anybody else seeing this?  It is getting a wee bit annoying!

[edited by: Pat Immel at 9:53 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 24 2008]