Net3 --One port Gateways

On the website, it describes 3 options...  portable/table top, touring, and wall mount.  The data sheet lists wall mount and touring...

Any idea on what the cute, little, 1 gang --portable / table top unit model # is with the ethercon installed in the backbox... as pictured on the website?? 

Thanks -Bob


  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the question.  The unit shown on the website is meant only to disply the product as you would see it in a wall mount back box.  We will be updating our photography with a released touring version soon, but to answer your question about a table top version, we have designed the touring version to be compatable for use as portable table top, or pipe mount. We will consider rewording the website page to clarify this.


    Jake Dunnum

    Network Products Manager

    Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the question.  The unit shown on the website is meant only to disply the product as you would see it in a wall mount back box.  We will be updating our photography with a released touring version soon, but to answer your question about a table top version, we have designed the touring version to be compatable for use as portable table top, or pipe mount. We will consider rewording the website page to clarify this.


    Jake Dunnum

    Network Products Manager

    Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

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