Looking for a way to control a show remotely (Via Internet)

Hello hive mind,

Due to these crazy times, COVID-19 has sparked talk about possibly running a lighting rig for a TV show via the internet. Reasons being due to mandatory testing weekly, Production wants to be able to Quarantine the board operator if their test come back positive, yet still shoot, keeping the company working. 

The Ideal setup would be to have a Console on set, that is networked into the world wide web, talking to another console, Elsewhere, Say a hotel room or personal residence. We don't live in an Ideal World so if there is another way of going about this I'm all ears. 


Is this possible? If so what would it take? and let's pretend money isn't an issue, so Go Wild.

Let me apologize, If I missed a question or discussion about this subject, If you could share a Link in the comment, would be much appreciated.

  • The broad strokes are:

    • Install a computer running ETCNomad somewhere on site, preferably with dual NICs.
    • Make that computer a client of the console, preferably using one NIC.
    • Provide access to that computer to the outside world on the other NIC. That might involve firewall rules, tunneling, or a knowable public IP address. If money is truly no object there are plenty of technologies and companies that can bridge the gap, even from the ISS.
    • Use some sort of remote login client (RDP, VNC) to connect to that computer from the outside world and run the show.
    • The devil is in the details.

    FWIW, it's easier to train somebody else to push the Go button or follow instructions via phone call.

  • The broad strokes are:

    • Install a computer running ETCNomad somewhere on site, preferably with dual NICs.
    • Make that computer a client of the console, preferably using one NIC.
    • Provide access to that computer to the outside world on the other NIC. That might involve firewall rules, tunneling, or a knowable public IP address. If money is truly no object there are plenty of technologies and companies that can bridge the gap, even from the ISS.
    • Use some sort of remote login client (RDP, VNC) to connect to that computer from the outside world and run the show.
    • The devil is in the details.

    FWIW, it's easier to train somebody else to push the Go button or follow instructions via phone call.

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