Connecting guest MA to my network

Yesterday we tried and failed to connect a Grand MA light to our network.  Is there a step by step guide available to help?  Does the guest designer need anything from me other than ip address, subnet mask and default gateway?

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  • If you were not able to see the sACN from the MA console in sACNview, it is likely that the MA was not set to use the standard multicast addresses for sACN.

    See for details on MA's setup process for choosing Output Multicast.

  • Thank you for the malighting guide.

    So, if I am following things correctly there are actually two items that need to be achieved, first is connecting the console which can be confirmed by pinging the console (would it show up in Concert?). The second task is getting the guest console correctly spitting out sACN, which can be confirmed by actually controlling the rig, or at least seeing it in sACNView..

    We have had guest consoles successfully connected before, but this is the second time that considerable time and energy was spent in a futile attempt to connect.

  • The MA console will not appear in Concert.

    If the MA console is sending sACN to the multicast addresses for sACN (which are what the standard defines) then you would see the data from the MA in sACNview. Since sACN is a multicast protocol, the MA console doesn't actually need to be in the same IP subnet as the rest of your lighting network for it to control levels.

    MA likely doesn't implement per-address priority (it's an extension to the standard that ETC makes available but is not required for other manufacturers to implement) so your partial control strategy might need to be on a universe by universe basis rather than a per-address within a universe basis.
