ETC gateways with different control consoles

We are building a new church and would love to put in Gateways.  We are planning as of right now to put in a Jands Vista T2 for the main sanctuary.  If I used the 4 analog DMX outputs on the console and plugged them into a 4 port input gateway, would that work?  We are also using Hog3PC for one of the youth rooms.

Parents Reply
  • In the Net3 4port Gateways, the DMX IN/Out Modules all communicate with the standard protocol USITT DMX512–A which virtually all

    lighting equipment uses today. You can bring your 4x DMX Outputs from your console into this gateway.

    I assume, then you want to transport it through your house via network (sACN), and then spit back out as DMX at your

    lighting positions?
