NET3 Nodes

So I'm new to this whole Net3 Node business.  Or any network nodes with a lighting system for that matter.

My question is this.  I'll be in a new theater that will have four nodes scattered throughout the space.  I will be using a number of LED units and moving lights.  Can I run the dmx cables into these nodes and have the light board recognize them?  This would save me from having to run the XLR cables back to the board.  Just wondering since I've never had the option of the nodes before.  I'm not really sure how they work or what they're really for.

Any and all help with this would be greatly appreciated!


  • Chris,


    Yes, you can take DMX to all of your LED units and movers from the Net3 Gateways.

    A network will allow you to (amongst other things) send many many universes of DMX down one cable. The Net 3 gateways can be configured in different ways to allow you to spit out DMX from whichever Universe you require. Hopefully the venue will have them already set up in a sensible configuration, otherwise you will need to use a bit of software called GCE (Gateway Configuration Editor) to tell the gateways if they are taking DMX in or out, which universe etc. If you are taking a non-ETC console in to the venue you may need a gateway by your console to take DMX into the network.


    Hope that helps.

  • Chris,


    Yes, you can take DMX to all of your LED units and movers from the Net3 Gateways.

    A network will allow you to (amongst other things) send many many universes of DMX down one cable. The Net 3 gateways can be configured in different ways to allow you to spit out DMX from whichever Universe you require. Hopefully the venue will have them already set up in a sensible configuration, otherwise you will need to use a bit of software called GCE (Gateway Configuration Editor) to tell the gateways if they are taking DMX in or out, which universe etc. If you are taking a non-ETC console in to the venue you may need a gateway by your console to take DMX into the network.


    Hope that helps.

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