Advanced Output Patch for NET3 DMX Gateways

I'm missing an advanced output patch for the NET3 DMX Gateways.

For example i want to rout ACN-Number 1501 to Port 1 DMX 1.

I use 35 of the 2 Port Gateways and i think an AOP was possible on NET2 Gateways.


Stefan Staub

  • Actually Output Patch was never available on the Net2 gateways/nodes; you could only start at an arbitrary EDMX value and output up to the next 512 channels after that value.

    As I mentioned in my other post Streaming ACN (sACN) is much more fundamentally a universe/channel concept than EDMX was - for most people it's easier to understand, and it's more similar to existing network protocols like ArtNet. With streaming ACN, for a gateway you just set it's output to be the universe you want. In your case, is there a reason not to split on the universe boundary - i.e. to use universe 4, which translates to absolute value 1537?

    All that said, we have had requests for this feature from sites upgrading, so there will be a "Flexible Output" feature added to the gateways at some point this year. That will allow you to start at any universe and channel - so in your case start at universe 3 channel 477.



  • Hi Tom,

    will it works only with one fixed start adress , or individually?

    I want to patch for example:
    ACN 1501 > Port 1 / DMX 1

    ACN 1502 > Port 1 / DMX 2

    ACN 1511 > Port 1 / DMX 3


    it's for the gateway to the houselights and non-dim


    Stefan Staub

  • No, I'm afraid it will only be selecting one address and onward from that address. So for example I could start at "sACN 1501" and go on through 1502, 1503, .. but you cannot jump in the output.

    The way I would handle this situation is to pick a high universe number and dedicate that to the houselights and non-dims, that way the patching can happen in the console/architectural system, and leave the output simple.


