Wireless Link to Net 3 Remote Video Interface

Does anyone know if it is possible and what equipment is needed to achive a wireless link between the EOS console and a Net 3 Remote Video Interface? I'm looking to dave running out ethernet cables across auditoriums.

  • Go grab yourself a Wireless Bridge.  D-Link, Linksys(now marketed as Cisco) and NetGear all make one.  I would recommend the small one by D-Link used for XBoxes and such.  You'll need a wireless router already on the network somewhere.  My other recommendation is the D-Link DWL-G730AP Pocket RouterAP.  It can function as a small router, access point, or client.  It'll be more expensive than just the bridge, but you'll find a lot more uses for it.  Again you'll need to pair this with the wireless router of your choice.

  • Go grab yourself a Wireless Bridge.  D-Link, Linksys(now marketed as Cisco) and NetGear all make one.  I would recommend the small one by D-Link used for XBoxes and such.  You'll need a wireless router already on the network somewhere.  My other recommendation is the D-Link DWL-G730AP Pocket RouterAP.  It can function as a small router, access point, or client.  It'll be more expensive than just the bridge, but you'll find a lot more uses for it.  Again you'll need to pair this with the wireless router of your choice.

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